Monday, April 20, 2009

Let's just see how many people read this damn thing

Hey you. Yes you. I need your help. I need you to pick out what movies I'll bring with me on this trip.

You see, I already have the music all planned out*, now I need to get the movies taken care of. The only problem is because I'm cheap, my Ipod Touch is only the 8 gig version, which means I have to be choosy about what I bring with me. I can fit 4 movies, so I've compiled the following list and you all are going to vote for which ones to bring. Voting ends at midnight on August 15th, so I'll have long enough to download them illegally off Limewire purchase them lawfully from Apple before I head out.

Vote for THREE movies please. I know I said I can fit 4, but one of them is going to be Planet Terror. This is not up for negotiation.

Without further ado, here's the list.

What Movies Should I bring with me?

* Select Qkumba Zoo's "The Child Inside", set to repeat, listen until the sun explodes.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mother fucking headwinds, man

I can't find an internet resource to prove it, but apparently it's considered entirely normal for Tucson to turn into a godawful, horrible cauldron of gusty and shrieking windstorms during the spring. At least if I believe KGUN9, the news network that claims to be "on my side".

Biking into a headwind is probably the most debilitating, morale-sapping experience one can go through. I've long since reached the point where on a reasonably flat, smooth road I feel most comfortable being in 20th or 21st gear or so. I don't quite put it in the highest gear, but it's close. When there's a bad headwind though, I start feeling exhausted unless I put it into something like 15th or 16th. And even that's probably too high, because it still takes me an extra 20-30 minutes to get home and I feel like Gary Busey's liver when I'm done.

The most infuriating part though, is that the wind SWITCHES. Basically 1/3 of my route is directly north, and the other 2/3 is directly east. And reverse it coming home, of course. In the morning, when I'm going face first into a 30-40mph wind that's blowing due west, I used to actually tell myself "Oh well at least this'll be helpful when I'm coming home" WRONG. 9 hours later when I'm headed home, the wind has switched. Now it's blowing due east.

Omniscient Wikipedia has some explanations that would be helpful if lived near a large body of water .

Differential heating is the motive force behind land breezes and sea breezes (or, in the case of larger lakes, lake breezes), also known as on- or off-shore winds. Land absorbs and radiates heat faster than water, but water releases heat over a longer period of time. The result is that, in locations where sea and land meet, heat absorbed over the day will be radiated more quickly by the land at night, cooling the air. Over the sea, heat is still being released into the air at night, which rises. This convective motion draws the cool land air in to replace the rising air, resulting in a land breeze in the late night and early morning. During the day, the roles are reversed. Warm air over the land rises, pulling cool air in from the sea to replace it, giving a sea breeze during the afternoon and evening.

But nothing explains this infuriating phenomenon for me. At first I considered that maybe it was all in my head. I'm paraphrasing, but the Essential Touring Cyclist did have a section where they address the fact that for a large survey of people crossing the US (both ways) 70% of people reported headwinds.

It may always SEEM like a headwind, because you still feel air blowing across your face, but the only way this would not be an occurrence is if you are slower than the wind is blowing behind you. If you are travelling at 20 mph, and there is a 15 mph breeze behind you, it won't neccessarily feel like it. It'll feel like there's a 5 mph headwind.

I threw out this theory though because A) It's not just kind of windy here, it's fucking brutally windy and gusts up to 50 mph and B) I have several flags across my route, all of which confirm Mother Nature is bitch slapping me both ways.

I've been keeping a very simple chart of the headwinds since the beginning of March, and the numbers back me up. After 39 days of travel (which equals 156 instances, because I switch directions once each time) I've had the following luck

40 times there was no wind
24 times there was a crosswind
2 times there was a tailwind
90 times there was a headwind

That just seems ridiculous. That's more than all the other situations put together. There's no water nearby. There's mountains on two sides of me, but I don't see why they'd have an effect either. I can't think of a single, solitary reason for this. And don't think I haven't been trying to figure it out. I want to know what I can be angry at. When I blow a tire, I can blame the douchebags who throw beer bottles out of their windows and leave broken glass all over the road. When an unexplained rattling develops, I can blame myself for Mickey Mousing my poor bike into it's current monstrous form. When it's too hot or too cold, I can blame my choice of geographic location to live in.

But who do you blame for a headwind? The obvious candidate is of course, Mother Nature, or whatever force your personal beliefs feel run the show around here. But there's no rational way to get back at her. I can burn tires, spray 70's era coolant into the air, and leave the water running while I brush my teeth all I want, but in the end she doesn't really care. What with global warming, China, and asteroid collisions all on her plate, the actions of one insane, pitiful individual probably amount to less than a tiny blip on her radar.

I've come up with an idea though. GAIA. I'm not talking about the crazy hypothesis that the Earth is somehow alive and sentient, I'm talking about the fictional character from the well known cartoon series Captain Planet.

NOW we're getting somewhere. It's silly to feel anger or frustration towards a series of pressure gradients and geographical features combining to influence wind direction, but it's totally appropriate to feel seething, white hot fury directed towards this bitch. Fuck you, Gaia, and your stupid giant purple vein in your hair. I hope Mati comes into your house in the middle of the night and stabs you in the face with a carpenter's pencil for giving him the stupid power of "Heart", which as far as I can tell didn't help him in a single episode except for the opening credits where he used it to have a small group of monkeys save him from a burning rainforest.

I feel better now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

March Checkup

So there was some stuff I was supposed to have done by the end of March, let's take a look and see how I did.

By the end of March:
- Decide on how to outfit the bike (Components, panniers vs a trailer, blah blah)
- Have relationship with whatever NPO established so I can start collecting
- Performed at least 1 60 mile day trip

I crossed out #1 there, but honestly I have no idea if that's really done or not. I mean they're certainly going to take my (your) money, but I'm not kidding when I say I simply cannot get my point of contact at the Humane Society to talk to me. There was chatter of getting the local news involved possibly, and getting some more exposure for this thing, so maybe I need to try going up the ladder over there or something.

Deciding "how to outfit" the bike happened months ago. I'm using panniers and have the components picked out, and I've selected a carefully tuned, sexy engine to power the whole thing, namely these babies. KA-POW!!! (Probably funnier if you can see me point to my thighs and do a fist pump while I say it)

In terms of actually training though, like doing that 60 mile ride, well... yeah. Look, it's been a ridiculous couple of weeks. I got a promotion at work which necessitated switching my schedule to the unreasonably early hours of 7:45 AM - 4:15 PM for a few weeks, and I've been spending my weekends either flying across the country, going camping on the windswept, haunted summit of Mt Lemmon, or this weekend simply trying to recover from the previous few.

This isn't a problem, however. I still have plenty of time. I've been running simulations through the most powerful computer programs available (Playing Oregon Trail, recording it on video, then watching it in reverse) and as long as I can avoid any bad cases of measles or running out of bacon and coffee, I should be fine.

Speaking of Oregon trail *, have you ever noticed that in the newer editions, where it actually shows a picture of who you're talking to when you're trying to trade, that the Indian dude always tries to screw you? "Sure I've got a spare wagon wheel, that'll be 500 bullets and two Oxen". What the fuck? And half the time I usually trade anyways, out of guilt. It's not his fault, his people traded the state of Colorado for some shiny beads and a couple of Smallpox blankets, so there's obviously some problem with the concept of ownership here.

So although I feel like I can recover, it's tough to give myself a passing grade here. I'm actually getting a tad SLOWER on the bike, and since I haven't had the energy to go shopping for wholesome or even partialsome (holy shit Firefox thinks that's a word!) food, lately I've been eating Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, and Double Quarter Pounders from Mickey D's and that's about it. I know, I know, there's a difference between accepting things are going to be a bit less than optimal for awhile and accepting it, and what I did which was turn into the skid and by at least 12 state's guidelines tried to kill myself, but the point is... actually I don't know how to end this sentence gracefully. I ate Cheetos and Pepsi at 8:00 AM every weekday for two weeks. Holy crap. I'm going to end up as a House episode.

Posting was slow here for that time as well, and I'd apologize, but honestly like 3 people read this and there isn't really any way to gussy up "I'm still biking a lot for something that'll happen in 4 months" and make it interesting.

Final Grade : D+ (I'm still cruising around about 100 miles per week, which has gotta be doing SOMETHING, and I'm so full of excuses for the weak performance that I believe at least one of them is decent enough to merit just barely passing)

*Congratulations on actually reading one of my asterisks! As a reward, check this out: If you find yourself feeling nostalgic to play Oregon Trail for the 5 minutes it was actually fun before you got bored of shooting bears, click here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So yeah there's been a bit less on the training front lately. Sue me.