Sunday, July 12, 2009

Seriously. the homeless have it figured out.

So planning is going well for the tour itself. I ended up making some fairly drastic changes to my equipment kit, which I'll discuss in some later post, but overall I feel VERY prepared for everything from August 20th onwards. That'll change and I'll be posting here sometime in early August with a post somewhere along these lines
But for now, yeah, pretty laid back about that. The problem is what do for the month beforehand. Due to some fairly abrupt changes in my roomate's plans for this house, I found myself being told in early May that I had until July 25th to get my sweet, muscular caboose out of here. My original plan had been to just stay here, store my stuff at my friend Brett's place a few days beforehand, and just go straight from here to the road. I'd figure out where to live when I got back, paying for 2 months rent while I'm out in East Humpty, Missouri getting into knife fights with hobos for dibs on the best box car seemed like something I'd like to avoid.

So leaving here early doesn't change what I'll do when I get back, but since I don't plan on renting a new place until I get back, it does raise the interesting question of "where the hell am I supposed to live for the 25th through the 20th?" As time got closer and closer I was starting to worry abou this a LITTLE bit, until today I realized I had less than 2 weeks left here.

So I made a few phone calls and got a bit of the time taken care of. From August 18th-20th, I'm going to stay at studly Brett Murphy's pad, and try not to get in the way of whatever it is that weirdo does in his free time. From August 15th until the 18th, I'm going to either crash at my friend Kyle's place, or with my friend Steph Castro. This method of crashing with a different friend for a few days each time seemed to be working well, until I pretty quickly realized I'm an obnoxious, juvenile dickhead and have no friends to speak of. What was I gonna do for the bulk of my homeless time?

Enter the Roadrunner Hostel, Tucson's world-famous "only hostel".

It actually looks like a pretty sweet deal. The rate is actually CHEAPER than my monthly rent here, and it at least doesn't strike me as a complete fleabag place.

Now, considering I'm planning on living out of several elaborate garbage bags for over 2 months, living out of a suitcase in a not-horrific hostel or crashing on friend's floors should hardly be the worst thing in the world. Also, from what I understand (and everything I understand comes from movies) hostels are full of interesting, diverse people, nearly all of whom are half-naked European models who walk around topless, sleep with anything, and can really plug you into the local social scene. Now I stopped watching that particular movie about 30 minutes in, but if I had to guess I'd assume it ended on a similar note, perhaps with all the roomates getting together and organizing a bake sale to buy a plasma screen TV for the local old folk's home.

This leaves on the 25th thru the 1st to deal with. Honestly the new people aren't moving into here until the 1st anyway, and that's assuming anyone rent the house starting then, so I can probably just get my stuff out of here but retain a sleeping bag and suitcase and crash here.

So yeah, it turned out a bit more complicated than I anticipated, but it seems to have turned out okay. In particular living in a nice-seeming hostel for 2 weeks might be particularly enjoyable. I'm not 100% how much my currently car-free lifestyle is going to bend me over for all of this, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had to rent a car a few days here and there.


  1. Does the hostel have AC?

  2. Good Question! In truth I have no idea, as I've never seen it in person. It's unfortunate, if only there was some way to get the information without actually going there. Some vast compendium of knowledge and information, perhaps even one that is accessible from the very computer you typed your question from. Yes, an interconnected network of some sort, that'd be helpful.

    Oh but wait, you'd have no way of knowing where the information is. There would have to be a way to get you to the information quickly and easily. Some way to...what's the word...ah yes, to LINK you to the information! Yes that's it, I would need a link to the information on the interconnected network. I could even put said "link" right in my post, to avoid the need to even ask such a question!

    Oh, to dream....

  3. Still missing a major ingredient - effort.
