Sunday, May 17, 2009

Updates! News! Excitement!

So here's what's been going on since I last posted:

#1. Star Trek pretty much sucked. There, I said it. Why does a Romulan mining vessel have advanced weaponry? Why didn't Spock just go to the Federation Outpost to warn them about Vulcan? Also, Uhura and Spock? Seriously, what the fuck.

#2. I finally found a large United States road map, so I have a graphical representation of my route. My map, please enjoy it:

I bought two maps, this one is my planned route, I'll also mark the other one with the actual route I end up taking. That one will get laminated and probably stuck on the refrigerator, along with everything else I've done that no one will ever, ever care about.

#3. My rides have been sucking ASS. I started kicking up the intensity right around the same time as my accident, and I'm worried at this point I might be overtraining. I'm puking after about half my rides, I feel sore all over, sometimes my legs just turn completely into jelly. I'm sure the 95-100 degree heat isn't helping things, but I might have to give up and take a week off or something in the near future. It's getting pretty bad.

#4. Speaking of my accident, everything fine there. I'm cleared to continue.

#5. After many months of trying to determine whether or not the Humane Society is actually with me on this or not, I've actually had some face to face meeting time with them and they are DEFINITELY on board. We're talking a feature story in their newsletter, pimping a local bike shop to possibly get me a decent discount on a new bike, appearances on the radio and local TV stations, and all that jazz. 1000 dollars is now the VERY low end of what I could conceivably scrape together with them for this.

Of course we ran into the slight problem of this blog being completely, utterly unsuitable for the vast majority of their constituency, but they're going to set up a different web site for me that their followers can, um, follow. That'll mean I'll have to update two places every day, but honestly the other site I can probably get away with posting a picture of a sunrise or an attractive moose and just write something like
When you push your body to the limit, you find the true measure of yourself as a man. This is what I believe, and it has made me a better person.
while I'm posting
Holy shit I just got raped up the ass by this 4,000 foot climb today but it was worth it because some chicks taking pictures at the top had awesome boobs and a tank top that was struggling mightily to hold those warlocks back.
here on this blog. Something for everyone, you know? Anyways, it is fun knowing I've got the support of the organization I'm trying to help, but the bottom line is I'm going to be able to raise a ton more money this way and that's what it's all about.

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